Célestin Niyongere

Name : Célestin Niyongere
Job : Crop Production Programme Leader
Research Area : Genetics
Crops : Bananas
Country: Burundi

Niyongere Célestin is a researcher at ISABU (Institut des Sciences Agronomiques du Burundi) since 2000. He obtained Agronomist Engineer degree from the University of Burundi in 1999. He received his Master degree from the University of Gembloux, Belgium in 2005 and his PhD in Kenya from the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology in 2012. His PhD was on banana bunchy top disease management for Burundi, Rwanda and DR Congo. He participated in trainings and conferences in 18 countries. From 2011 to 2013, he was chairman of BARNESA (Banana Research Network for East and Southern Africa) and became member of International Society of Horticulture Sciences (ISHS) in 2012.

Currently, he is leading the Crop Production Programme in Burundi with focus on banana and horticultural crops. He contributed to the establishment of the national banana collection containing around 260 banana varieties.  He coordinated a PlantWise Project from 2021 to 2023 «to reduce crop losses due to plant diseases and pests to increase food production» which resulted in set up of 116 plant clinics across all agricultural communes of Burundi. In addition to his contributions in carrying out rural development projects, he provided consultancy services to different institutions such IFAD, FAO, European Union and various local and International organizations. He also has gender expertise in designing research tools and organization of field teams.
